If you see any photos you would like in the better quality, please contact me using my email address. 1brads@lbrads.com.  Be sure to use PHOTOS in the subject line, otherwise it may end up in the spam folder without my knowledge. 



General interest


available  in JPG format



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To contact us: 


10605 Acacia Avenue

Garden Grove, CA 92840

PH: 951.202.0270

FX: 714.636.2241
















The horses look real don't they

Is that the start of a lamp

My love for old wagons

Heavy rain on the way to work

KLR650 - I know you have seen it before

The rain eased up a little

And the birds gather—  Where's Alfred

It was an awesome smoked turkey

Near Cleveland National Forest in Southern CA

Ahh yes the 1983 CB1000

The barn needs a little work

I bet there is some good history behind this fire truck


Autumn on November

Self propelled sailplane

It's in the middle of nowhere

1976 Suzuki RE5 with a Wankel rotary engine

Quincy and Cody my two neighbors

It's a good day for a sailplane ride

Click on the "picture" to enlarge
Then "Back" to return to the album

The president and CEO of the California Scooter Company on his personal bike, the Sarge

Burned out cabin

Once upon a time...

Pretty view

Chino Corona road closed because of  threat of rain

No they are not real


San Gabriel Mountains from Hwy 2

Respite on a day ride